I have been looking online for a cheap / easy install setup, for a redundancy battery backup for your receiver.
I have even looked for build videos, and or cheap alternative systems out there and I only really found one (scorpion backup guard $25US).
I saw Bruces build video of a A123 RC receiver pack.
I was wondering if it was possible to build upon this to enable it to do what the "Scorpion Backup Guard" does.
In theory it sounds pretty simple and basic from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5LSfMPuQB0 and in a few reviews in how it works.
I was also thinking it could be a good how to video for an episode.
Unfortunately I am very fresh to electric rc and still coming to grips to all the terminology as it has all changed since 13 years ago, but it seems like a good idea to have some light weight rx redundancy system, if your receiver is powered (via ubec) via your motors lipo battery pack.