Well being a n00b to the RC hobby I followed bruces very handy build videos, and have had a ball with my AXN its just Sooo easy to fly.. almost flies itself.
So I thought, Why dont I do some videos. those people out there in the land of youtube will like watching me try to fly my AXN.... whacked a HK wing cam onto the back of my plane so you could see all the control surface action, without a second of thought about my CofG off to the field I went..... It was blowing a gale out there, littel voice in my head said "Hey man, you'll be fine, you can fly this AXN like a pro now!" and off I went
Theres some before and after pics on my Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/cheetor5923
and some, shall we say more successful flying vids on my YT Chanel http://www.youtube.com/user/cheetor5923/videos?flow=grid&view=0
Check out the wing flex one!
Have fun guys