Hi all,
I have a project that involves putting the electronics from a Taranis into another case. (to make a single stick transmitter). I have a problem though in that the aerial in the Taranis is soldered to the backboard. I have found references on the net that say the aerial needs to be soldered to the aerial output (duh) and the coax shield needs to be soldered to ground. I have also read that the aerial wire itself, where it's soldered to the board, needs to be as short as possible, i.e. have the minimum coax shielding removed from it. Can anyone please advise whether all this is correct, or is it simply a matter of soldering the aerial wire onto the pad on the back board, and not worrying too much about the shielding.
Alternatively, is it possible to solder one of those tiny clips that come on the end of spare aerials onto the board? It looks impossible, but is it? If I could do that I could easily attach a cable that has the clip on one end and SMA connector on the other, then screw a stock aerial onto that, and problem solved.
All advice gratefully received.