here is my design. what you see here is probably the type of thing you might put on a t-shirt, but you could take the R by itself and use that as a logo (like to have in the corner of your videos, or as an icon)
I am happy to change anything about it, if you want me too. obviously things like colour, but anything else as well (I was thinking I could make something like this for the banner of your website, to increase continuity)
as you can see, this is just a low quality screenshot, but it is a vector graphic so I can send it to you as high res as you like.
if you would like me to modify it in any way, just ask!
I sent you an email to, so write back to me there. I hope you like it.
(just so you know I designed everything from scratch other then the "model reviews" part, but that is a copyright free font and so is perfectly legal for this application)
here are some other designs I made, choose your favorite!
I crash therefore I am.